Episode 11 - A Slice of Silicon Valley

Gary Bolles on the major movements, social impact and the impact of technology of Silicon Valley

We have the pleasure of introducing Gary Bolles, Adjunct Chair for the Future of work with the global virtual think-tank, Singularity University, and author of the The Next Rules of Work: The Mindset, Skillset and Toolset to Lead Your Organization through Uncertainty. Gary is dedicated to helping individuals, organizations, communities, and countries to collaborate on effective strategies to ensure that everyone can have access to meaningful, well-paid work and lifelong learning opportunities.

In this episode we're going to explore three broad areas. The first is what are some major movements that have come out of Silicon Valley that have had impact. The second, Silicon Valley’s social impact. And the third, the impact of technology. Gary shares his thoughts on the following topics. Major Movements

The Future of Work

    Impact of Change
    Gig Economy’s Role

Social Impact

    Team Purpose
    Entrepreneurial Impact

Impact of Technology

    The Human Side
    Social Impact
    Sustainable Impact

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