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Episode 19 - A Slice of Silicon Valley

Chilling for a moment, “Searching for Jamaica”

I’ve been sharing thoughts on how business is done in Silicon Valley or how you might practice new ways of getting things done. Innovation can take you to places that might be uncomfortable. I’ve talked about business and hopefully a bit about the social impact of technology. But behind the scenes I like to stretch myself to find out what a masterclass might mean in music and beyond.

I had the good fortune of co-writing with Vernon “Ice” Black around a song I wrote called “Searching for Jamaica” - looking for something a little bit better. Vernon is a masterclass, teacher, performer, producer, the best guitarist in the Bay area, and a guitarist for Mariah Carey, Herbie Hancock, Stevie Wonder, BookerT and many others.

I practiced over decades to find my way to advance my personal capacity to write music and play guitar for creativity and fun that over time produced improved results.

Thanks for joining in our visit Inside a Slice of Silicon Valley.

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